February 27, 2007

A Shifty Librarian?

It is impossible to talk about Library 2.0 without mentioning two heavyweights in the field at the moment. Of course, I'm talking about Michael (Tame the Web) Stephens and Jenny (The Shifted Librarian) Levine. You can't attend a conference or read a library journal without hearing about them. Their respective blogs are almost always informative and I subscribe to them through Bloglines. You can read Michael's full text articles about Library 2.0 in Library Technology Reports (Online), available through some of our online databases. The July/August 2006 issue has articles about how libraries are expanding their services by using IM, blogs, wikis, and RSS feeds. The September/October 2006 issue is devoted to gaming in libraries.

The Shifted Librarian always make me think of a Shifty Librarian. So what would a Shifty Librarian look like? The image I try to conjure up makes me smile. It is so ... unlikely. Then again, maybe she would act a lot like
Ms. Dewey.

Ms. Dewey